Please email us for discord access (LOTS OF GOOD DEALS DROPPED HERE AND UPDATES)
Introducing Fragrance Nevaeh's Premium Membership: Elevate your fragrance experience with exclusive perks. Unlock access to irresistible discounts, coveted giveaways, and priority pre-orders for the most sought-after scents. Experience luxury in every spray.
List of current perks:
-Access to pre-orders 24-48 hours in advance of non-members for exclusive references.
-Access to a private discord server where you'll be able to conversate with other members and discuss your love of fragrances! This will also be a great way for us as Fragrance Nevaeh to get closer to our valued customers and friends! Soon to come!
-Access to exclusive giveaways of brand new bottles and decants weekly!
-Access to exclusive discounts on offered via having a membership. Soon to come!
-Access to super limited and coveted items of the fragrance world. Soon to come!
-Ability to continue preordering once preorders aren't available to the general website.